Tech in the space industry

Rocket supports the customer's mission to utilize IT & Tech to support the customer's journey to become the leading global provider of advanced space services. 

As technology advances more and more general technology can be applied in the space industry - the customer wanted to capitalize on that opportunity. 

Rocket supported the customer in developing a powerful strategy a plan to;

  • Harmonize the tech stack with Common Architecture, Dev community and Standards, Cloud services, Integrations & API to be able to capitalize on existing data and technology and enable building new products and services

  • Support new business ventures, digitalization and development of new services by providing platforms and technology. 

  • An automation agenda and plan established that allows several automation initiatives ranging from business services to satellite management.

  • Build a strong security architecture that allows for both state of the art security and maintaining productivity. 

  • Provide IT solutions and services which clearly drive employee productivity and new ways of working.


Merry X-mas


Microservices to build REST-APIs with SAP