Web Styleguide

  • Type System

  • Colors

  • Buttons & Links

  • Forms

  • Newsletter signup

  • Map component

  • Summary Blocks

  • Social Links

  • Accordion component

  • Scroller component

  • Quote component

  • Calendar component

  • Chart component

  • Search component

Type System


The library of text styles that are available to us when designing pages for the Rocket website.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Paragraph 1 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dolor eros, porttitor eu sagittis a, sagittis id odio. Donec nec vestibulum lorem. Quisque metus orci, posuere vitae volutpat in, eleifend et metus. Mauris dapibus laoreet est eget tristique.

Paragraph 2 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dolor eros, porttitor eu sagittis a, sagittis id odio. Donec nec vestibulum lorem. Quisque metus orci, posuere vitae volutpat in, eleifend et metus. Mauris dapibus laoreet est eget tristique.

Paragraph 3 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dolor eros, porttitor eu sagittis a, sagittis id odio. Donec nec vestibulum lorem. Quisque metus orci, posuere vitae volutpat in, eleifend et metus. Mauris dapibus laoreet est eget tristique.

Monospace - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dolor eros, porttitor eu sagittis a, sagittis id odio. Donec nec vestibulum lorem. Quisque metus orci, posuere vitae volutpat in, eleifend et metus. Mauris dapibus laoreet est eget tristique.



These are the colors that are available to us when designing pages for the Rocket website.






Buttons & Links


These are the buttons and links that are available to us when designing pages for the Rocket website.

Paragraph 1 Text Link

Paragraph 2 Text Link

Paragraph 3 Text Link

Monospace Text Link



These are the forms that are available to us when designing pages for the Rocket website.

Newsletter Signup


The component that is used for encouraging users to signup for our Newsletter

Map component


What maps look like when presented on our website.


Social Links


The way links to our social media is presented.

Accordion component


Accordions are expandle Titles that displays additional content when clicking the + symbol.

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here

Scroller component


Scrollers is ticker-like component where text items scroll across the screen, suitable for client names etc.

The first text

Another one

Number three

Here's the fourth

The fifth


The first text Another one Number three Here's the fourth The fifth Etc.

Quote component


The way text is formatted when using the Quote component, for testimonials etc.

Good design is innovative. Good design must be useful. Good design is aesthetic design. Good design makes a product understandable. Good design is honest. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is long-lasting. Good design is consistent in every detail. Good design is environmentally friendly. And last but not least, good design is as little design as possible.
— Dieter Rams

Calendar component


The way calendars look when presented on our website.

Chart component


The way charts & graphs look when presented on our website.

Search component


The way Search-bars look when presented on our website.